My Presence on the Internet

Aug 13, 2023 min read

The past

In the early years of my bachelor’s degree, a friend of mine started a technical blog called the code note. It was cool as I wanted to have one of my own. I got motivated and started one of mine. Nvm what it was called (Though I spent days thinking about a name) because it was just another typical how to solve a leetcode problem. Yeah, I get it! There are millions of blogs on how to do those. But, It got me started on blogging. I posted 2-3 times. It was the same old style of “DSA” blogs and never really excited me anymore. I had very little real-world experience and I soon deleted the blog after getting my first job as a software engineer.

After a while

It’s been 5 years since I started working as a software engineer. I’ve worn different hats in the past 5 years doing Front-End, Back-end, Platform Engineering, Leading teams, Mentoring, and most importantly solving software problems.

Though I deleted the blog, I always wanted to have my presence on the internet sharing my experiences in the tech industry, knowledge on not-so-good documented tools/software, System setup for productivity, and technical problems with solutions I’ve come across in my experience.

New beginnings

I’ve quit my job as a software engineer after 5 years working in 4 companies (3 of them being startups) to pursue my Masters degree in Computer Science. I want to utilize this time for my learning and making blogs.

This blog aims to share my experiences as a software engineer and blogs on how to set up or do things which are not easy to understand. This is also a commitment that I’m making to be consistent and disciplined in blogging.